The iPhone 12 Pro Max and lumia 1020 camera showdown at this level seven years ago?

On the morning of December 8, a YouTube blogger uploaded a video of the comparison between iPhone 12 Pro Max and lumia 1020 cameras, and scored the samples himself. The author thinks lumia 1020 performs better in some scenes.

IPhone 12 Pro Max and lumia 1020

Microsoft launched a new dual screen mobile phone surface duo this year, but it has to be said that the era of windows phone has passed, and the new machine adopts Android system, which is no longer the original flavor.

However, there are still some people who are using Windows phones as standby machines for various reasons. Lumia 1020 is one of the most representative mobile phones equipped with Windows Phone System. The lens certified by rear Zeiss is as high as 41 million pixels. It is also equipped with OIS optical anti shake. It can even take raw photos, which is almost a very advanced configuration at that time.

Lumia 1020 “Oreo” lens

Seven years later, a YouTube blogger compared it to the iPhone 12 Pro max, one of the most photographed phones today. The video does not specify how the two products are set up, nor does it explain the time of image processing (lumia 1020 imaging time is slow), but the results are still interesting.

Compared with the iPhone 12 Pro max, the lumia 1020’s processor and memory are old-fashioned, so the “computational photography” emphasized by today’s smartphones has little advantage for this device. But its huge camera sensor is not too backward for a top flagship like the iPhone 12 Pro max.

In the 10 minute video, with several sunny scenes, lumia 1020’s photos look very close to the iPhone 12 Pro max. In some cases, the color is even better. And the pictures in raw mode are more noisy than those taken by iPhone.

It’s hard to tell the difference without looking at the details in normal light

Lumia 1020 is not as good as iPhone 12 Pro Max in low light and backlight scenes, but it can still get some good photos. Of course, the dynamic range, zoom, HDR, which need strong computing power, are the disadvantages of the old equipment, and naturally far less than the new products today.
In terms of night view, old equipment has no advantage

The details of weak light, the old equipment has no advantage, but the appearance is not bad

Backlight part, lack of powerful HDR, naturally not as good as iPhone

Night scene lumia 1020 is more noisy and smeared

At the end of the video, the blogger made a rating summary of the photos. In the end, Nokia lumia 1020 won with a score of 21-15. Of course, this result is entirely from the author’s point of view. If you elaborate on the details of the photos of the two mobile phones, lumia 1020 has little chance of winning.

Which mobile phone do you prefer to take photos? Let us know the answer in the comments section.